Knight Chapman Psychological

Graduate Assessment

Ability Tests

MAPP, Managerial and Professional Profiler, management tests, mapp personality test, management ability tests, tests for managers, management personality, wave, 16pf, mbti, hogan

Supra Series - new battery

A very high level of ability tests suitable for assessing exceptional graduates of very high potential.

This battery consists of:

Verbal Critical Reasoning Test - the ability to identify logic or the lack of it in written argument.

Numerical Critical Reasoning Test - the ability to manipulate and integrate numerical, financial and graphical data.

Creative Problem Solving Test - a measure of the ability to come up with many ideas; think laterally and generate original ideas.

Prima Series

With rapid administration times, the Prima Series critical reasoning tests are effective screening tools for both managers and graduates.

This battery consists of:

Short Verbal Test - the ability to understand and work logically with written data, avoiding unwarranted assumptions.

View SVT example question

Short Numerical Test - the ability to deal with work-related numerical, financial and graphical data.

View SNT example question



MAPP, Managerial and Professional Profiler, management tests, mapp personality test, management ability tests, tests for managers, management personality, wave, 16pf, mbti, hogan

The Graduate Personality Profiler (GPP)

GPP is an integrated questionnaire assessing nineteen personality traits and fourteen areas of values/motivation that are relevant to graduate roles.

The questionnaire provides insights into interpersonal style, approach to tasks, emotional resilience, fit with job content and organisational culture, as well as predictions of leadership style, team behaviours and competencies.

The GPP scales have a median reliability coefficient of 0.79, and validity studies have shown it to be a valid predictor of job performance, absenteeism and employee turnover.

GPP is available on online with a typical completion time of 20-25 minutes (it is two questionnaires in one). 

Also available in French, German, Dutch, Spanish and US English.

View a sample GPP Profile Chart

View a sample GPP Interview Report

MAPP-EI Emotional Intelligence

MAPP-EI assesses a sub-set of emotional traits that mediate other aspects of personality and behaviour at work. These traits are therefore not separate from personality but incremental in so far as they explore how emotions impact upon one’s own behaviour and upon other people.

These traits are clustered into self-awareness, self-management, self-direction, awareness of others and relationships with others.

View a sample MAPP-EI Profile Chart


MAPP, Managerial and Professional Profiler, management tests, mapp personality test, management ability tests, tests for managers, management personality, wave, 16pf, mbti, hogan

Simulation Activity Series

KCP’s Simulation Activity Series has been designed for use in assessment, development and coaching contexts. Drawing on over 45 years’ experience in both the public and private sectors, all our activities are based around modern, realistic scenarios that provide participants with the opportunity to demonstrate samples of their typical behaviour and skills at work.
Group Activities - research consistently demonstrates that group activities are strong predictors of work behaviour, particularly in relation to interpersonal characteristics such as leadership, influencing style and team awareness. For this reason, all our activities major on interpersonal rather than cognitive assessment criteria, although some are capable of exploring business awareness, problem solving or innovation.

E-Tray Activities/Situational Judgement - these are best used to explore cognitive competences such as planning, strategic and operational awareness, problem solving and decision making. We recommend that wherever possible, assessors interview participants after the exercise to obtain a richer understanding of the thought processes that informed responses.

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Caburn House,

Brooks Road,


BN7 2BY,

East Sussex

Phone: +44 1273 470052


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